Corporate transparency


Information in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017. 124

During the 2022 financial year, Hyperlean Srl with sole shareholder (VAT No. 02489180428) received subsidies, grants, benefits contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, not of a general nature and without consideration, remuneration or compensation, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 et seq. of Italian Law 124/2017, amounting to €617. With reference to the simplification introduced by Article 3-quarter, paragraph 2, of Italian Decree-Law 135/2018, concerning the economic advantages already published in the National Register of State Aid, please refer to the information published in the aforementioned Register available at



Information pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 124

During the 2021 financial year, Hyperlean S.r.l. (VAT No. 02489180428) received grants, subsidies, benefits contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, not of a general nature and without consideration, remuneration or compensation, as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 125 et seq. of Italian Law 124/2017, amounting to €0. With reference to the simplification introduced by Article 3-quarter, paragraph 2, of Italian Decree-Law 135/2018, concerning the economic advantages already published in the National Register of State Aid, please refer to the information published in the aforementioned Register available at


Information in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 124

During the 2020 financial year, Hyperlean S.r.l. (VAT No. 02489180428) received grants, subsidies, benefits contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, not of a general nature and without consideration, remuneration or compensation, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 et seq. of Italian Law 124/2017, amounting to €259,662. The following table shows the details of the grant givers, amount or value of the grants received and a brief description of the reasons for receiving them. With reference to the simplification introduced by Article 3-quarter, paragraph 2, of Italian Decree-Law 135/2018, concerning the economic advantages already published in the National Register of State Aid, please refer to the information published in the aforementioned Register available at


Information in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 124

During the 2019 financial year, Hyperlean S.r.l. (VAT No. 02489180428) received grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case economic benefits pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law 124/2017, amounting to €251,198. The following table shows the data relating to the donors, the amount or value of the goods received, and a brief description of the reasons for eligibility. With reference to the simplification introduced by Article 3-quarter, paragraph 2, of Italian Decree-Law 135/2018, concerning the economic advantages already published in the National Register of State Aid, please refer to the information published in the aforementioned Register available at


Information in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law No. 124 of 4 August 2017 124

During the 2018 financial year, Hyperlean S.r.l. (VAT No. 02489180428) received grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case economic benefits in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 125 of Italian Law 124/2017, amounting to €317,611. The following table shows the data relating to the donors, the amount or value of the goods received, and a brief description of the reasons for eligibility. With reference to the simplification introduced by Article 3-quarter, paragraph 2, of Italian Decree-Law 135/2018, concerning the economic advantages already published in the National Register of State Aid, please refer to the information published in the aforementioned Register available at



Project description: Innovative tools and methods for designing and producing high-quality leather furniture with a view to maximum sustainability – BESPOKE 4.0. Acronym: “BESPOKE 4.0”.

Purpose: To implement the industrial research and experimental development programme jointly with a public university and two companies.

Results: The objective pursued by HYPERLEAN S.r.l. is to realise the prototype of an innovative product at an international level.

Financial support received: The Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy granted the company HYPERLEAN S.r.l. a non-repayable contribution of €396,407.44 for the purpose of implementing the research and development programme Prog. no. F/310054/02/X56 – CUP: B39J23001040005 – COR: 10577962 in accordance with the Notice “Agreements for Innovation” referred to in Italian Ministerial Decree of 31/12/2021 and Italian Directorial Decree of 18/03/2022 benefiting from the PNC resources identified in Article 1, paragraph 2, letter f), point 3, of Italian Decree-Law No. 59 of 6 May 2021, converted, with amendments, by Italian Law No. 101 of 1 July 2021 and subsequent amendments 101 e