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General information

LeanDESIGNER is the ideal solution for product designers and engineers who want to avoid manufacturability issues from the early stages of design. The software provides intelligent recommendations to optimize models, helping to prevent costly redesigns and improve decision-making.

R&D teams will benefit from the ability to obtain an immediate estimate of production costs during the design phase, ensuring solutions that are not only functional but also efficient from a manufacturing perspective.

In this way, LeanDESIGNER accelerates time-to-market, enabling companies to develop competitive products while reducing waste and delays.

Learn more about LeanDESIGNER

LeanCOST è progettato per i professionisti che necessitano di stimare e gestire i costi di produzione in modo preciso e tempestivo. Gli uffici tecnici e R&D possono utilizzare il software per confrontare diverse soluzioni progettuali, individuando quella economicamente più vantaggiosa. Gli industrializzatori trarranno beneficio da un supporto decisionale basato su dati concreti, mentre gli uffici acquisti avranno uno strumento efficace per confrontare preventivi in maniera più strategica e consapevole. Inoltre, gli uffici commerciali potranno automatizzare la generazione di preventivi personalizzati, velocizzando il processo di vendita e aumentando la competitività aziendale. Grazie alla sua integrazione con i principali software CAD 3D, LeanCOST analizza automaticamente le geometrie, simula i cicli produttivi e fornisce stime dettagliate, ottimizzando l’efficienza del lavoro.

Learn more about LeanCOST

Yes, LeanDESIGNER allows the export of a LeanCOST (.lc) file related to the DtC analysis of the model. The file can also be saved in LeanCOST’s VAULT module, ensuring full integration between the two systems.

LeanDESIGNER also enables the automatic recognition of previously evaluated elements through its connection with the LeanCOST VAULT module, retrieving component costs from the available analysis.


LeanCOST can be installed in both stand-alone and client/server mode. In the latter case, the server houses the data to be shared and the licences, while the software is installed on the clients.

One of the main advantages of LeanCOST is its ability to provide an analytical view of production costs, allowing companies not only to identify and correct inefficiencies but also to determine the most cost-effective manufacturing strategies from the early design stages. This equips businesses with a unique tool to manage production costs in a precise and structured manner.

Additionally, for the purchasing department, LeanCOST offers a comparison model between different suppliers, ensuring greater transparency and a systematic approach to cost management across various processes. This enables companies to select the most efficient supplier for each product category, optimizing purchasing decisions and improving overall efficiency.

The LeanCOST database comes with a ready-to-use dataset in terms of raw materials, machines and processes. The information presented refers to Italian market averages and customer company data. Hyperlean updates the system’s databases on a monthly basis. If the company has requested customisation of the database with specific information, the company itself will update the data with Hyperlean’s support or independently.

The licences are a type of Software. Licences can be either floating or node-locked. For the first type, the number of simultaneous accesses is equal to the number of licences purchased. The software has no upper limit in number of installations.

LeanCOST provides access via login with user name and password. Access has several interfaces and roles, each with dedicated functionality (Viewer, Designer, CostEngineer, Administrator, Manager).

LeanCOST provides for the export of analysis results in different formats: Excel, PDF, XML (for integration with ERP). The PDF is configurable by enabling or disabling certain items, and Excel reports can be either standard or customisable. The second involves the ability to export information in a template provided by the company.

The degree of accuracy of the calculation depends on the set-up of the system; once the calibration of the databases has been carried out and the rules dictating each company’s production mode have been implemented, a level of accuracy of less than 5% with respect to the actual data can be achieved.

LeanCOST also provides the option to be used manually, by selecting the starting blank from the database and manually imputing the geometric parameters of the various processes in the database.
Operations can also be added manually to an analysis made on the basis of a 3D model with automatic recognition (e.g. painting, treatments, etc.).

Yes, tolerances, roughness and material are also taken into account in the recognition of the raw material and production processes in addition to the geometry read from the 3D model. Appropriate finishing processes (finishing, grinding, lapping, etc.) are recognised for specific tolerance and roughness values.

Technological parameters are calculated on the basis of default values or as a function of conditions (material, machine, geometric parameters, batch, etc.) and can always be modified by the user based on his own experience.

Starting from the EVO version, LeanCOST offers the capability to calculate environmental impact through the evaluation of CO₂ equivalent emissions. The calculation considers the impact of raw materials and the energy used during various manufacturing processes, utilizing data from different countries.

The analysis is based on the application of rules based on the technological knowledge implemented in the software, so that the process selected by LeanCOST respects geometric and technological constraints (tolerances, roughness, etc.). In the event that a geometry cannot be associated with any process, LeanCOST returns a report.

Yes, machines are assigned on a default basis or by selecting the machine with the lowest hourly cost among those valid for the operation (geometric and technological constraints of the machine). Through a specific functionality, the user can replace those proposed by the system with compatible ones.

Yes, it is possible thanks to the LeanCOST VAULT module, which allows you to automatically archive, search and retrieve analyses already carried out.


No special hardware requirements. A PC with a dedicated video card supporting OpenGL version 4.0 or higher is sufficient.

LeanDESIGNER is a software platform that consists of three parts:

  • Licence manager > licence, which requires a physical or virtual machine possessing the client or server operating system, where the relevant service is to be installed;
  • Server module > database;
  • Client module > software LeanDESIGNER.

The data required for the operation of LeanDESIGNER are stored in a database shared between users. The database does not contain any data generated by LeanDESIGNER or any other type of structured data. Its size is limited and depends solely on the customisation of the data by the company. This means that the size does not change when using LeanDESIGNER. The supported platforms are:

  • Microsoft Access;
  • Microsoft SQL (Express, Standard and Enterprise versions).

Yes, the common database configuration between the two types of software is very useful to ensure that customisations made at company level can be used by both types of software.

LeanDESIGNER provides “user-named” floating (or Net) software licences. This means that the licence is tied exclusively to the user and not to the machine on which it is installed.

LeanDESIGNER interacts with the following CAD systems: Catia, Inventor, Solid Edge, Solid Works, Creo and NX. The connection is made by docking the active instance on the CAD via the API made available by the CAD manufacturer.

Yes, “.step”, “.stp” and “.stl” files can also be imported into LeanDESIGNER, without the need to have a CAD installed on the PC.

Yes, LeanDESIGNER performs the analysis in the background, so you can simultaneously continue the design of the 3D model on your CAD.

Yes, once the model is imported into LeanDESIGNER, the link with CAD is deactivated.

LeanDESIGNER provides access via a login with user name and password. Access includes different interfaces and roles, each with dedicated functionality.

LeanDESIGNER allows the export of the analysis file (.ld), the LeanCOST file related to the DtC analysis, and a series of PDF reports on DtC and DfM analyses. The export can be performed both locally and to the VAULT module.

LeanDESIGNER is capable of:

  • Report potential manufacturability issues and suggest shapes for improvement (Design for Manufacturing);
  • Provide an estimate of production costs directly from the 3D model (Design to Cost);
  • Monitor geometric KPIs: real-time calculation of the most important indicators such as size, weight and volume of the model, raw material scrap, number of machining directions, paintable surface, etc.

Yes, LeanDESIGNER provides a programming environment that allows users to create their own rules related to the model’s features. Additionally, the administration interface enables the modification of parameters linked to existing DfM rules.

You can request a DEMO directly from the Hyperlean website and it consists of a free, approximately one-hour presentation of our software via webcall. During the presentation, the main functionalities of LeanDESIGNER are illustrated and it is also possible, subject to prior agreement and exchange of necessary material, to view an analysis of one’s own company component.


No special hardware requirements. A PC equipped with a graphics card with 1 GB at least is sufficient.

LeanCOST refers to a database that can be managed by a software interface such as Microsoft Access, and does not require any Database Server. If required, it can be managed by a relational Database Management System such as Microsoft SQL or MySQL


LeanCOST can be integrated with enterprise systems such as ERP, PDM, and PLM.

The integration enables data exchange both as input and output between the systems. For example, it is possible to synchronize ERP data related to raw materials, commercial components, and machines with the data available in the LeanCOST database.

As output, all data related to the evaluation of production process times and costs can be sent to ERP and PDM systems.

The PLM integration also manages the connection with the 3D model, allowing the model to be imported directly from the PLM repository.

LeanCOST is able to import interchange formats representing 3D objects into CAD, such as STEP and STL (used for Additive Manufacturing Analysis). In addition, it can connect to the following CAD systems to retrieve the geometries and information it needs: SolidEdge, Solidworks, NX, ProE, Creo, Inventor, Catia.


You can request a DEMO directly from our website. Fill in the form to send your request. You will be contacted to arrange an appointment with one of our operators.

It consists of a free, approximately one-hour presentation of our software via webcall. During the presentation, the main functionalities of LeanCOST are illustrated and it is also possible, subject to prior agreement and exchange of necessary material, to view an analysis of one’s own company component

You can request a DEMO directly from the Hyperlean website and it consists of a free, approximately one-hour presentation of our software via webcall. During the presentation, the main functionalities of LeanDESIGNER are illustrated and it is also possible, subject to prior agreement and exchange of necessary material, to view an analysis of one’s own company component.

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