Design for manufacturing software: LeanDESIGNER

Your smart design assistant

Key Areas:
Design To Cost – Design To Cost Software – Design For Manufacturing – Design Optimization – Design For Manufacturing Software – Design For Excellence – DtC – DFM – DFX – Design For Assembly

The virtual assistant for product manufacturing and production cost estimation

LeanDESIGNER is a software solution designed to support the design and review of 3D models, following the principles of design for manufacturing (DFM) and design to cost (DTC).

Integrated with the most popular 3D CAD systems, it identifies potential manufacturability issues and suggests necessary modifications to achieve the optimal configuration. LeanDESIGNER also provides production cost estimates during the design phase, enabling the optimization of model geometry to reduce product development costs by assigning a cost to each individual geometry.

How it works

Background Model Analysis

Without interrupting the workflow, it analyzes the CAD model to identify geometric issues.

Automated Optimization

Suggests modifications to enhance manufacturability and provides real-time cost estimation.

Clear and Customizable Reports

Displays trends in geometric KPIs, helping you monitor efficiency.

Discover LeanDESIGNER in action

Optimize 3D models and create better products faster and more cost-effectively.

Key features

CAD Integration

Compatible with leading systems, with continuous background analysis.

Customization of Design Rules

Define design rules and their fields of application.

Geometric KPI Monitoring

Dimensions, weight, volume, and waste monitored in real-time.

Ease of use

Intuitive interface and simplified navigation for component and assembly analysis.

The benefits of design for manufacturing and design to cost

Optimisation of 3D models at the design stage

  • Analyses the geometric characteristics of the 3D model;
  • Highlights potential bottlenecks in manufacturability and suggests ways to improve;
  • Reduces model revision time and production costs

Identification of potential savings opportunities

  • Provides an estimate of production costs directly from the 3D model (raw material and production processes);
  • Highlights the impact of each feature on the final cost;
  • Assesses the cost impact of design changes in real time.

Better design control

  • Quickly compare design alternatives, highlighting the difference in cost;
  • Allows you to choose the best design solution;
  • Compares analyses performed by monitoring geometric KPIs, providing real-time trends.

Distribution of knowledge on production processes

  • Supports the designer in the validation of the model;
  • Adds important technical production details in an intuitive way.

Manufacturing software workflow

The analysis runs in the background without interrupting your work, allowing you to continue modelling within CAD.

LeanDESIGNER highlights critical issues within CAD and suggests changes to be made to optimise the 3D model. It provides you with an estimate of production costs and helps you choose the raw material.

Correct potential model manufacturability issues and features with the greatest impact on costs.

Analyse the optimised 3D model with LeanDESIGNER and discover the benefits obtained. You are shown the trends in geometric KPIs and the cost savings achieved.

Managed processes

Who is it for?


To enhance the performance of 3D models while avoiding unnecessary iterations.

Design Managers

To gain clear insights into the economic implications of design choices.


No special hardware requirements. A PC with a dedicated video card supporting OpenGL version 4.0 or higher is sufficient.

LeanDESIGNER is a software platform that consists of three parts:

  • Licence manager > licence, which requires a physical or virtual machine possessing the client or server operating system, where the relevant service is to be installed;
  • Server module > database;
  • Client module > software LeanDESIGNER.

Yes, it is possible to install LeanDESIGNER on virtual machines with a software licence.

The data required for the operation of LeanDESIGNER are stored in a database shared between users. The database does not contain any data generated by LeanDESIGNER or any other type of structured data. Its size is limited and depends solely on the customisation of the data by the company. This means that the size does not change when using LeanDESIGNER. The supported platforms are:

  • Microsoft Access;
  • Microsoft SQL (Express, Standard and Enterprise versions).

Yes, the common database configuration between the two types of software is very useful to ensure that customisations made at company level can be used by both types of software.

LeanDESIGNER provides “user-named” floating (or Net) software licences. This means that the licence is tied exclusively to the user and not to the machine on which it is installed.

LeanDESIGNER interacts with the following CAD systems: Catia, Inventor, Solid Edge, Solid Works, Creo and NX. The connection is made by docking the active instance on the CAD via the API made available by the CAD manufacturer.

Yes, “.step”, “.stp” and “.stl” files can also be imported into LeanDESIGNER, without the need to have a CAD installed on the PC.

Yes, LeanDESIGNER performs the analysis in the background, so you can simultaneously continue the design of the 3D model on your CAD.

Yes, once the model is imported into LeanDESIGNER, the link with CAD is deactivated.

LeanDESIGNER provides access via a login with user name and password. Access includes different interfaces and roles, each with dedicated functionality.

LeanDESIGNER provides for the export of analysis results in Excel format.

LeanDESIGNER is capable of:

  • Report potential manufacturability issues and suggest shapes for improvement (Design for Manufacturing);
  • Provide an estimate of production costs directly from the 3D model (Design to Cost);
  • Monitor geometric KPIs: real-time calculation of the most important indicators such as size, weight and volume of the model, raw material scrap, number of machining directions, paintable surface, etc.

The technological parameters and rules contained in the system can always be modified by the user based on his or her own experience and needs.

You can request a DEMO directly from the Hyperlean website and it consists of a free, approximately one-hour presentation of our software via webcall. During the presentation, the main functionalities of LeanDESIGNER are illustrated and it is also possible, subject to prior agreement and exchange of necessary material, to view an analysis of one’s own company component.

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