- Rapid cost analysis without waiting for responses from the supply network
Optimise your costs
Should Costing is the service offered by our team of experts that supports your staff in the important and strategic activity of budgeting.
Through our Should Costing solution, we analyse your components using our LeanCOST software and providing you with ready-to-use, detailed, reliable, and accurate analyses of production cycle times and costs.

Accurate and reliable results
- All estimates are certified by the use of the LeanCOST software
Hyperlean expert team
- Advanced skills in Product Cost Management thanks to Hyperlean team resources expert in different sectors
The benefits of should cost analysis
How should cost analysis works
3D (native CAD, step) and your 2D technical drawings in pdf
You will receive feedback confirming or requesting additions/changes
We will confirm by email which is the best solution for you
of each 3D model with details of the production cycle in Excel and pdf format