Tax credit to stimulate investors
- Tax credit for research and development, technological innovation, design and aesthetic creation.
Objective: to stimulate investments in research and development, technological innovation, also within the 4.0 paradigm, circular economy, design and aesthetic ideation.
What is it for
The measure aims to support the competitiveness of businesses by stimulating investments in Research and Development, Technological Innovation, also within the 4.0 paradigm and the circular economy, Design and aesthetic ideation.
Who is it aimed at?
All companies resident in the territory of the State […]
For technological innovation activities aimed at the creation of new or substantially improved products or production processes, the tax credit is recognised, until the tax period in progress on 31 December 2023, in an amount equal to 10% of the relevant base of calculation, taken net of other grants or contributions of any kind received on the same eligible expenses, within the maximum annual limit of 2 million euros. From the tax period following the one in progress as of 31 December 2023 and up to the tax period in progress as of 31 December 2025, the tax credit is recognized at an amount equal to 5%, up to the maximum annual limit of 2 million EUR.
For 4.0 and green technological innovation activities, aimed at creating new or substantially improved products or production processes to achieve an objective of ecological transition or digital innovation 4.0, the tax credit is recognised, up to the period of the tax in progress as of 31 December 2022, in an amount equal to 15% of the relevant calculation base, taken net of other subsidies or contributions of any kind received on the same eligible expenses, within the maximum annual limit of 2 million euros. In the tax period following the one in progress on 31 December 2022, the tax credit is recognized at an amount equal to 10%, up to the maximum annual limit of 4 million euros. From the tax period following the one in progress on 31 December 2023 and up to the one in progress on 31 December 2025, the tax credit is recognized at an amount equal to 5%, up to the maximum annual limit of 4 million euros.
The criteria for the correct application of these definitions are dictated by the articles. 3 and 5 of the decree of 26 May 2020 (pdf) of the Ministry of Economic Development, taking into account the general principles and criteria contained in the OECD Oslo Manual.
Technological innovation activities
(paragraph 201 of budget law no. 160 of 27 December 2019):
- expenses for personnel with an employment relationship or self-employment or other relationship other than employment, directly employed in technological innovation operations carried out internally within the company;
- depreciation rates, financial leasing or simple leasing fees and other expenses relating to movable tangible assets and software used in technological innovation projects;
- expenses for contracts relating to the direct performance by the commissioning entity of technological innovation activities eligible for the tax credit;
- expenses for consultancy services and equivalent services relating to technological innovation activities eligible for the tax credit;
- expenses for materials, supplies and other similar products used in technological innovation activities eligible for the tax credit.
How to access
The tax credit must be indicated in the tax return relating to the tax period in which the expenses were incurred and in those relating to subsequent tax periods until its use is concluded.